The Consequences of Bad Time Management

I've never been a punctual person. That's probably because I'm a night owl.

Whatever I do, I always seem to be a rush.

Today was no exception. I was running late for an appointment, so I foolishly tried to squeeze into a parking that was too small for my little car. Next thing I felt a slight jolt. I'd brushed my door against the side of the pillar to my left. Thank goodness it was only a pillar, not another car!

I'm counting my blessings. It's an old car and the damage is only minor, so I'm not going to bother to get it properly repaired. After cleaning it, most of the marks don't show much anymore. I just need to get a touch up to the paint that scraped away near the bottom of the door. I don't care if it's a perfect match, or even transparent. I just want to ensure that the exposed metal won't rust.

I was feeling really horrible about my mishap though until I remembered witnessing something similar a few weeks ago. I'm not sure how bad the damage was to that car, but regardless the driver must have been extremely upset because he was driving a fancy vintage car - either a Rolls Royce or a Bentley.

That's serious.


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